Monday, July 10, 2006

BellSouth diversifies Metro Ethernet Portfolio

BellSouth announced today that it is expanding its Metro Ethernet Service to include mid-band speed options of 2Mbps, 4Mbps and 8Mbps. BellSouth Metro Ethernet Service currently offers previously available data transport speeds of 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 250Mbps, 500Mbps and 1000Mbps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I find your blog very interesting. The thing is that I wanted to get a quality telephone connection; however, it turned out to be quite a problem. I applied to BellSouth. At first I was completely satisfied with the quality of the services as well as the tariffs but in a month everything disappeared. I wanted to switch to another service provider. As a matter of fact I did and still the bills from BellSouth arrive and there is nothing I can do about that. On this great site I found out that it is not only me who has such a problem watch out!